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A new vision on health guidance based on scientifically proven knowledge or through practice over the centuries.




Surgery or Not


  Those who completed a medical course some time ago can see, compared to today, that many diseases that were considered surgical are not currently. However, some pathologies subject to clinical treatment with the use of drugs are still considered surgical to the detriment of the great number of scientific publications in favor of non-surgical treatment. This is the case of acute appendicitis, which in 80% of cases can be corrected with the use of appropriate antibiotics, is still considered amenable to surgery in almost all cases by several medical services without a convincing explanation of the need to place the patient under the risk and the financial cost of an operative intervention. Another case is that of ingnal hernia in childhood in which there is a congenital condition known as persistence of the peritoneum-vaginal conduit. The persistence of this conduit causes the intestine to exit the abdominal cavity through it towards the pelvic region, which is an anatomical region. where it should not be located as the natural receptacle for abdominal organs is the abdominal cavity.

Tehuro Kajimoto in a scientific article entitled: “The Prevalence of Ingnal Hernia and its Spontaneous Healing”, where he reports that of the 76,425 male and 79,195 female children surveyed, inguinal hernia was found in 6,523 (8.53%) boys and 2,975 (3.75%) girls. In total, the prevalence rate was 6.10%, with a male / female ratio of 7: 3. Of the 6,523 boys who had or had an inguinal hernia, 3,425 underwent surgery. Of the remaining 3,098 non-operated male patients, 1,160 were healed with a hernia support and 1,140 were spontaneously cured. The cure rate without surgery in all male patients was 35.26%. In girls, 1,198 of the 2,975 individuals with inguinal hernia at the time of the survey or in the past underwent surgery. Of the 1,777 remaining patients who were not operated, 369 recovered with a hernia support and 677 had spontaneous healing. Thus, 35.16% of all female patients were cured of the condition without surgery. It is important to note that the author of this work did not use any practice other than purely mechanical devices as in the case of using a hernia support in some cases. Adopting a dietary criterion, which was not done in the case of this study, it would be possible to achieve a cure without surgery between 80 and 90% against the 35% reported in the aforementioned publication. This statement above that it is possible to increase the non-operative rate in the case of ingnal hernia can be explained as follows: With an adequate diet it is possible to make the intestinal loops less heavy by making them retract into the abdominal cavity. congenital problem (persistence of the peritoneum-vaginal conduit) would be due to the enzymatic processes of the organism that would try to absorb it, which would not be possible if the intestinal loops were dilated, swollen and consequently heavy, causing them to pass through the hernial defect thus hernia itself. See the case of transplants that involve high risk surgeries for patients in addition to high financial costs. Are all organ transplants really necessary? Studies at the Oak Ridge Atomic Research Center have revealed that about 98% of all atoms in a human body are replaced each year. You get a new skin suit every month and a new liver every six weeks. The stomach lining lasts only five days before it is replaced. Even your bones are not the solid, stable and concrete things you could have thought of: they are subject to constant change. The bones you have today are different from the bones you had a year ago. Experts in this research area concluded that there is a complete rotation of 100% of the atoms in the body at least every five years. In other words, not a single atom in your body today was there five years ago. The reason why all atoms in the body are replaced every 5 to 7 years is due to our nutrition, breathing and mobilization through physical exercises. Then think about how it may be possible to have a new organ instead of undergoing an expensive and risky transplant just by adopting a specific dietary criterion that mainly involves the use of organic foods in which there would be no chemicals from pesticides that could interfere with the process. intelligent process of self-recovery of the organism.







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